Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Jan 6, 2009

Phil is getting much weaker and we got a hospital bed for him yesterday. The bed is making him more comfortable because it is an air bed with pockets that go up and down alternately. Now that he says that it is comfortable and I doubt that he will ever get out of it.

We got a lot of films and suggestions. The one he seems to like the most are the Johnny Carson tapes that his brother-in-law John brought. They don't require a lot of attention span and he does not have much anymore.

We got some new medication for the vomiting and that seems to be helping a bit. He is to the point where he most enjoys hand holding and one on one conversations. Not a lot of questions about how he feels. These last days don't seem to be the best. He is tired of this part of the journey and is scared but ready for it to end. As much as we would like it to end neither one of us want him to die. It is a dilemma that I am sure everyone has at this point.

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