Monday, December 1, 2008

Monday Morning 12/1

Thank you everyone for your support. We enjoyed reading the emails. A comment made by Karen Orellana under "surgery not an option" and an email sent by Abbe Feidelberg were great and made us laugh out loud. Both of these were memories of Phil. We are so thankful for the wonderful friends we made through the years. All those people praying have really helped.

Phil will be having the CAT scan done about 7PM tonight so we don't expect to know anything until tomorrow.

However, the good news is that he has had somewhat of a bowel movement this morning, so we just may be proving the doctors wrong again. At least there is a glimmer of hope. So many people praying is turning out to have more effect than the doctors and their doom and gloom.

More updates will come as they happen.



Anonymous said...

We'll keep those prayers coming your way! God Bless All Of You and keep you close!
Gloria and Doug and the kids

Mary McCauley said...

Dear Phil & Judy,

Thinking of you and keeping you and your family in our prayers. Hope the CAT scan went ok and that the poop keeps coming......
We are still in New York with our son and family. The new baby is Patrick A McCauley and is full of gas and only poops every three days so he's pulling for you too. We'll call when we get home on Thursday.
Love & Peace
Pat & Mary