Monday, December 1, 2008

Monday night 12/1

No real news yet. Lots of visitors today and that was enjoyable. Tilly even came to visit and we hope that Lady will make it tomorrow. Phil is feeling pretty good now.

No more pain and they have taken out the catheter so he could pee on his own. They also took off the oxygen and he is happy to be connected to less tubes. He is passing some stool but the doctors are not saying that he is totally unblocked. In fact the one xray that they did do this morning shows the blockage to be about the same as last night and his stomach is still distended.

He had the CAT scan at 8 PM tonight. The doctors told us that they will not give us the results of that until tomorrow. He still has the tube in his nose and no one is talking about taking it out anytime soon. In fact if it makes him too uncomfortable to have it out, they are talking about ways to put it in permanently by putting it into his stomach through a hole in his abdomen. This way when he gets sick to his stomach or gets stomach pain we could open it and suck out the bad stuff without going to the hospital. The doctors are also recommending that he start on hospice service when he gets home.

Hopefully we will have more information tomorrow. He is feeling really good now he is quilting again and walking all over the hospital.

My plan is to go home for a while tomorrow and get cleaned up. However, I don't want to miss all the doctors. There was about 15 here today but only three teams. The medical team only has one doctor. The surgical team has 10-13 and the palliative care team has 3. They come in at all times and come back and forth all day.

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