Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The final weeks

Another update from my mom:
They say no news is good news. Well, you are getting news so it is not good.

We have had a wonderful two years. We have fulfilled a lot of dreams. However, we need to accept God's plan as it is.

The CAT scan done on December 1st showed that Phil has a blood clot in the lungs which we are not bothering to treat because it is inconsequential. It also showed that there is fluid built up in his abdomen from the cancer. Again, we are not going to try to remove it at this time because it is not causing him any discomfort. There is a cancer mass in the lower abdomen. Finally, the bowel obstruction is not cleared. It may not be complete any more, but it is not cleared.

They have removed the tube going to his stomach through his nose and he is much more comfortable without it (and he no longer looks like an elephant.) They have taken out all the IV's and he can drink and eat what he wants (which is little or nothing). He is taking no pain medications because he is not uncomfortable at all. He is reading his books and trying to finish some quilting before he goes. Phil is sorry that he will not get to make quilts for all the people he wanted to make them for.

They are delivering some equipment that we need to the house, and we are going home to Wauwatosa. Because he would like to die under a tree in Door County, we are planning on bringing a tree like setting to the bedroom in Wauwatosa. Paint the wall, put up wall paper of a picture of the trees on the land or something like that. We are not sure yet, but I would like to make something like that happen for Phil.

To our relatives, old friends and new friends, thank you all for sharing this journey with us.

God bless you all,
Phil and Judy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi there friends. I guess the big question is besides praying for you all, is there anything else you would like or that we can do?
Love, Doug and Gloria
Please give us a call if there is something.