Friday, December 12, 2008

December 12, 2008

I need to tell everyone that Michael is working from our house one day a week now. What a wonderful son. The first day he came, I went to the spa and got a massage and it was Michael's treat. Wow did I feel special.

Michelle and the kids came over yesterday and we watched Mary Poppins. Phil enjoyed it and it was a nice afternoon. Things have been very nice. I got my christmas present from Michelle also and we gave out our Christmas presents to all the grandchildren and Michelle and Mark. Michael only wants money to help him buy a very expensive camera so we will give him that anytime. Every one seems to enjoy their gifts and I also go my gift from Michelle. I got chains for my shoes. They go on like rubbers but they grip the ice and snow when you walk. I walked the dogs this morning and did not slip on the icy sidewalks at all. I am very happy. Thank you Michelle.


Gaby said...

Hello there,
We are glad that you all are having such a good time toghether and that the Spa and chains worked for you. Making memories at any time is very important.
Sending lots of love,

Anonymous said...

Dear Phil, The birthdays without you serenading coworkers at Rexnord I am sure have dimmed since your absence. What great memories this evokes and how special I felt when you stopped by my desk to sing to me. It is the little things such as this that free but let someone know how special they are when one takes the time to show they care. I know for myself my birthdays are not the same and how I wish I had recorded the serenade to play again and again. I am happy to read you are savoring and celebrating with family often, friends when you feel up to the visit and always maintaining a positive attitude. I am not surprised after working with you for a number of years at Rexnord and would expect nothing less. Peace, prayers and blessings to you! Lisa GZ