Sunday, February 22, 2009

Letter Phil wanted read at his funeral

Dear Friends,

I am writing this letter to you, to tell you that it has been a great ride. The journey started on January 23, 1947. The first born son of Margaret and Frank Ortiz. We moved many times in my youth. So I do not have the memory of my youthful friends. I began a good chapter of my life in September 1961 my first year at Marquette High School. During the entrance exam a young man, Charlie Odya, met and remembered me. I met him again when we began our studies at Marquette. We were friends until he died at 49 years of age. I miss him to this day. While at Marquette I also became friends with Pete Jakubek. He and I talk with each other until a few days ago. He has also been a wonderful friend. I will miss him.

I have three brothers, David, Allen and Stephen and three sisters, Francesca, Mary and Anna. All though we have been separated by distances and difficulties in our lives they have been very supportive and helpful in the past two years. I have fond memories of them and my childhood with them. Thank you for the special things you have done for me.

The next chapter of my life began at the end of 1967. I met the most wonderful woman in the world. Judy Sporer came into my life. From that day until now we have been partners. We have done every together. Life, financial and personal decisions were made together. Judy has made me a better person. She has given me the most wonderful children in the world. My daughter has given me a wonderful son in law and three very special grandchildren. Judy has guided me through the high and low points of my life. We have done a lot of remodeling and building. Judy is a skilled sawsall, chopsaw and nail gun user. When we dreamed for a retirement in Door County we had a lot of work to do. But we were able to live that dream during the last two years. It is a shorter time than we wanted, but it has been a good two years. I will miss her smile and warm tender touches. I will always remember her warm kisses. I will miss dancing with her. I will miss the walks in the woods holding her hand. I will miss holding her at night.

When I married Judy, I married the Sporer family. Mary and Tony were so welcoming and accepting of me, I felt like their son. The whole group have been more than just in laws to me they have been my family for the past 40 years. Bill and Diane, Jim and Nancy, Mary and John and all their families and in laws are very special to me. We have dealt with the good times and the bad times. We have played together and prayed together. We have camped and vacationed. We supported each other and cared for each other. I miss Tony and Mary and will be glad to see them again along with my parents, Margaret and Frank.

My sister in law, Mary, who I adore, has had two wonderful husbands. The present one I met in 1971 and he had been my best friend, comrade-------------- ever since. He has helped me many times on projects and never once ask to have the favor returned. When I think of him and what he means to me I cannot come up with the words. I can only cry. Thanks John for being you.

Mary, reminds me of her mom. Both people wanted to please and tried to make everything fun and included everyone in what ever they did. She is too wonderful for words and Judy and I love her very much.

This last chapter of my life has been difficult and wonderful. It has been hard at times when I have not felt good. Judy has tried her best to take care of me. She has been able to keep track of all of the appointments and stuff that had to be done. We went to Ireland to see the Emerald Isle. In the beginning of summer 2007 all of us went on a 4 day trip on the Mississippi River. That was a great time. Kyle and I sat on the beach, Kyle played in the sand and I read a book while I watched him. We went on the annual Door County Camping trip in 2007 and 2008. John Koss and I made the spaghetti diner. I hope that he and Rhys, Mark and Michael will continue this tradition. I hope that every year you will send a toast to me. In January 2008 Judy, Rhys and I went on a trip to help the Katrina Hurricane survivors and to visit The Jakebek’s and The Fietelberg’s. I went fishing for big fish. Something I never had the opportunity to do before. In the fall of 2008 Michelle, Kyle, Michael, Judy and I went on a trip to Beaver Island, the birth place of John R. McCauley (my grandpa). All of these trips made my last two years wonderful and exciting. Thanks to all.

There were many other trips and people that helped us along this journey but too many to list here. You have been thanked by me before and you all know who you are. I am thanking you again.

Quilting has become an important part of the last two years. It is something I could do without needing a lot of strength and it kept my mind active. Many of you have benefited from my work. Had I lived long enough many more would have. Judy gave me the push when I got down in the dumps and she is a marvelous color coordinator.

Good Bye to All. I love and will miss all of you. Take care and God Bless.