Friday, October 5, 2007

The stent is in

I just saw my dad. He looked groggy from the procedure, but the stent is in place.

Back at the end of December when my dad first started vomiting, the doctors thought there was a blockage in the gastrointestinal tract. However, doctors can't see the whole GI tract even when they use both an upper GI scope (EGD) and a lower GI scope (colonoscopy). Both procedures were done on my dad in late December and early January to diagnose the cause of his vomiting and diarrhea. He also had a CT scan done at that time which showed the suggestion of a blockage.

The CT scan from yesterday showed a narrowing in the GI tract. The narrowing is what is believed to be the cause of my dad's vomiting. It is in this area of the gastrointestinal tract that cannot be seen with either scope that my dad has a narrowing. So, Dr. Dua had to be a little creative to get the stent in. He connected a wire to the stent and, therefore, was able to extend the reach of the scope to get the stent in the proper place.


Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot for the update Michelle.
Hope you all get a chance to enjoy the weekend.
The Arndorfers'

Mary McCauley said...

We continue to keep all of you in our thoughts and
prayers. We are hoping that the stent is giving your
dad some relief and he is able to keep his food down.

We really do appreciate all of the information that you are passing on to everyone Michelle. Thanks for
taking the time to do this for us.

Our love and prayers to all of you
Pat & Mary McCauley