Monday, November 3, 2008

Another update from my mom

As you all know Phil has stopped his chemo treatments and now he is able to eat better and has more energy. He is getting Physical Therapy to increase his strength and that is helping. He takes his supplements so his calorie count is better. So in a general way he is doing better than when he was taking the Chemo. That is the good news but there is always another side.

Since May he has been having more and more symptoms of the cancer. Pain that he never had before began this summer. Many times it went away with tylenol or motrin but in September we got a Rx for Vicodin and he has been taking that on occasion. The pain is usually not, but sometimes, intense. Most of the time it is just nagging and in his back and stomach.

No more obstructions though so that is something that is very good. Sometimes when the diarrhea is really bad I give him some IV solution to help with the dehydration. He occasionally vomits but usually only once and then he is better. So the stints are still working.

He is extremely bloated and takes a lot of gas-x and metamucil type products which seen to do the trick as long as he doesn't forget them. Without the chemo his memory and ability to process thoughts has improved. (I sometimes wish mine would). He is, however, getting gradually weaker over the months. And when he does too much he then looses his appetite and just crashes.

We have been spending most of our time in Door County and the fall colors and weather has been spectacular. Phil's dream of a perfect death would be to go out in the woods sit on the ground with his back up against the tree and just go peacefully to heaven.

If that happened the plan is for me to get our neighbor and he and I would put Phil in the car. I would drive him to Wauwatosa and put him in the bed and call the doctor and say he died in Wauwatosa. Then we would not have to pay for a hearse to get him back to Tosa. Getting the body home is the humorous part of the deal and it has to do with how cheap Phil is.

Our life up here is pretty peaceful and we spend a lot of time at the library. The library in Egg Harbor is like the corner store in a small town. Gossip, Gossip, Politics and lively conversations. Phil is also making Quilt squares which keeps him busy. I have mastered the chain saw and spend time outside in the woods on the sunny warm days. I am also working on the woodwork in the lower level. However, most of my time is managing Phil's care and monitoring his meds and food intake.

Lady got a hysterectomy, oophorectomy on Friday and now is no longer a lady. She was laying low on Friday and has bounced back a lot today. Tilly did not know what to make of a slower, sleepy Lady. However things are normal again but I am giving her a couple of days before taking her out hiking.

We have been getting a lot of company and that has been good. Thanks to all who have made meals and visited us. Thanks to all of you who helped out with work. My brothers and sister-in-law made sure we had wood for the winter. Phil's brother, brother-in-law and sister put my bathroom on Stickney back together, after my family and friends ripped it apart in February of 2007. It looks beautiful. Another thing which I got done and am very happy about is the ceiling of the screen porch in Door County. This has allowed me to store things for the winter. Thanks also to Randy for cleaning my chimney. Thanks also to the many others who have been so helpful in many ways. Always, I am thankful to my sister and her family and my son and daughter and her family for all that they do everyday to keep the little things from getting overwhelming. (phone calls, e-mails, games, and tasks)

Keep up the prayers. Thank you for them. Love to you all.

Phil and Judy Ortiz

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