Friday, July 11, 2008

The update including a blood transfusion

Over the past month my mom has struggled to get my dad's weight up with limited success.  The dietician at the Cancer Center made several suggestions recently which have helped.  However, on Tuesday my dad experienced another GI blockage.  He vomited several times and couldn't keep any food down.  This was a major setback in the struggle to get my dad's weight up.

My dad had blood work and a CT scan scheduled for Tuesday afternoon.  Those tests showed his blood levels to be fine.  (They are always checked before he receives chemotherapy treatment.)  Also, the CT scan showed no change in the size of the tumor.  This was the first CT scan done since switching chemotherapy drugs.  (The last CT scan showed the tumor growing which is why Dr. Ritch switched drugs.)

Because my mom was out of IV fluid, my dad received IV fluids at the Day Hospital in the Cancer Center on Tuesday.  On Wednesday, he was back in the Day Hospital for chemotherapy treatment and more fluids.  My dad was again at the Day Hospital on Thursday to have lab work run to determine if he was bleeding internally.  He had been having symptoms of bleeding within his gastrointestinal tract. The results indicated a slow bleed that seemed to be healing.  A complete blood count (CBC) revealed that my dad's hemoglobin level was around 10.  Another CBC run on Friday shown a slight drop in the hemoglobin level.  Therefore, Dr. Ritch ordered a blood transfusion for my dad, and he received two units of blood at the Day Hospital on Friday.

And if all that wasn't enough to keep my dad busy, on Thursday I took him several places including the dentist for his teeth to be cleaned!

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Michelle and family. It has been awhile since I have read the blog but you are in my thoughts and prayers a lot. I am so sorry to hear that your dad is having another episode with blockage and is feeling so bad with vomiting and weight loss. I certainly hope that this passes and that the chemo has its beneficial effect. Hugs to all of you. Kristin