Thursday, February 15, 2007

Help on the homefront

Following the second chemotherapy treatment, my parents had a houseful of help! My dad's brother-in-law put together a work crew of family and friends to help get some projects done at my parents' house. Some significant demolition work was done, so we'll keep you updated as that work progresses. Thanks to all who made time in their busy schedules to help out, especially to John for organizing everything.

On Sunday we received the sad news that a former Associate Paster of our parish died of a massive heart attack at age 41. On St. Valentine's Day my family along with my parents attended Fr. Dave's funeral. Fr. Dave's obituary on FOX6 can be seen here. The obituary from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel about Fr. Dave can be read here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go John! Thanks for organizing this.