Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Second trip to the hospital

Good evening all: I hope this email reaches everyone with a good start to 2007. Here at the Ortiz family we are having a little drama, but heck we’re going to make it. So here is the status as of today.

Judy or mom as some of else like to call her- She went to the doctor this morning and had the stitches removed from her elbow. Good news! The doc says she is healing well and will be able to start using it after another week. The family had fun comparing surgical scars today.

Dad or little papa as I like to call him these days- Tough day for the little guy. After some good days of eating and trying to regain weight, last night he started vomiting again. Unfortunately dehydration is a concern so he went to hospital and they pump him full of fluids. He looks and feels good when I left him tonight. Tomorrow they are planning some early morning test and therefore he gets to spend another night in the hospital. Not to worry though, because the tests are scheduled for the AM they won’t let him partake in the scrumptious hospital food. Awe shucks. As I left him tonight little papa was getting prepared for an (hopefully I’ll get this right) upper GI and a CT scan in the AM. His preparatory cocktail didn’t sound as good as the smooth whiskey snifter I rang in the new year with, but he is very excited to get the results and find a solution to his #2 being like a #1. Sorry for that and hope I didn’t make anyone sick, but it sounded funny to me.

So that’s the update and I’ll let you know when we get more info. As usual little papa loves to talk to people on the phone and hear some positive reinforcement about his treatment.


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